Health and Well-being is after all at the heart of our being, both as an individual and collectively as a community. I support our NHS wholeheartedly and volunteer when and where I can to offer my support and give back to our community.

I have been truly inspired during the past few months whilst volunteering at a Local COVID-19 Vaccination Site – seeing NHS staff, health care professionals and volunteers with a shared vision to help keep our loved ones safe.

COVID Pandemic has had an adverse impact on the physical, social and mental well-being of many in our communities.

I strongly support our MP Dean Russell’s local campaigns to improve mental health care and his ‘mental health first aiders’ training initiative, which is essential to our communities and people suffering from this hidden health crisis.

Some of the other health challenges we currently face in our community are long term health conditions as well as obesity, smoking and alcohol related issues. This in turn impacts our local communities, the NHS and national spending.

Fighting to overcoming these challenges can only be achieved

  • If we work as a community
  • Build better awareness programs
  • Offer better support through enhanced community-based services
  • Establish new and improved support networks
  • Strengthen current support networks that care for our communities and individuals who need it the most



As Prashanth receives a large volume of correspondence daily, please be assured however that all letters, e-mails and telephone enquiries are read and will receive a reply as soon as possible.

Please ensure you include a full postal and email address in all correspondence.

Call: 07450942094


Address: The Wenta Business Centre
                  Colne Way
                  WD24 7ND

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